Tag: curruca

  • Identification of the ‘Lesser Whitethroat’ species complex

    Identification of the ‘Lesser Whitethroat’ species complex

    The Lesser Whitethroat complex is, well, complex. Apart from althaea and perhaps the odd margelanica, identification of this group is a nightmare and is the key reason as to why the taxa will be lumped back into one species by the IOC in version 13.2. While large periods of time have separated certain races, phenotypic…

  • Taxonomy of the Lesser Whitethroat complex: a review of the current literature

    Taxonomy of the Lesser Whitethroat complex: a review of the current literature

    Desert Whitethroat (Curruca minula), Hume’s Whitethroat (C. althaea) and Lesser Whitethroat (C. curruca) have been lumped by the IOC just years after their initial split. What new research, if any, supports this decision? And what research justified their initial split in the first place? This time last year, a sleep deprived me found himself in…